Working Together Since 2009

Mission:  Build diverse community support for forest restoration

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the Woody Biomass Utilization Partnership convened the first meeting of the Payette Forest Coalition (PFC) in June 2009.  The group represents a range of interests in the Payette National Forest.  A common bond is the recognition that current forest conditions depart from those desired.  Landscape scale restoration can transition the forest towards improved conditions and address five goals of the Coalition's diverse interests: Wildlife, Wildfire, Watershed Health, Access and Recreation, and Restoration Economics.  

Role: We provide recommendations to the Responsible Official on all phases of restoration

The PFC engages in four phases of landscape scale restoration projects: design of the proposed

action, administrative (environmental) review, implementation by various contract authorities, and multi-party monitoring.  The project phases, from design through monitoring, establish an adaptive management structure to learn from each project and refine recommendations for subsequent actions.

We invite website visitors to engage in the online discussion forum, review the landscape project document libraries,  and read the PFC business protocols.  The business protocols describe the organization structure, the consensus decision process, and the commitment to collaboration made by voting members (see Member Manual).  All PFC meetings are open to the public.   If you wish to keep in touch,  Subscribe to receive meeting announcements and other news on our External link opens in new tab or windowE-news Archive webpage.


Coalition News


The field trip that was being planned for the August PFC scheduled meeting date (August 15) is cancelled due to the many fires on the Payette, associated road closures, and uncertainty with access. Therefore, there will be no August meeting.