- When I prepared for meetings in my previous role of Scribe, there were several web resources that I found helpful to bring to the meeting. Even though all are available on the website, they were very helpful to have at the meeting in a three ring binder.
- The materials are also appropriate for a member manual.
- Below are the basic essentials to be included in a Member Manual (binder format).
- Each heading below serves as a notebook tab.
- I would encourage this for all members, new and existing.
Meeting Notes
- When the draft meeting notes have been reviewed, the final notes are posted in the Meeting Notes Library.
- At minimum, include the notes from the previous month.
- Read the notes prior to the meeting in order to refresh the memory on the discussions and action items.
- Depending on the topics, notes from additional meetings are likely to be helpful references.
Business Protocols
- The PFC is a self-organizing, self-governing collaborative.
- The members have adopted "rules of the road" that define the organization structure and business procedures.
- The Protocols Library archives the supporting documents.
- The essentials recommended for inclusion in the manual are the following documents found in the
Protocols Library:
- Basic Conditions of Collaboration
- Organizational Structure
- Decision Process
- Project Design Business Process
- NEPA Business Process
- Business Processes for Monitoring Restoration Actions
- A significant source of funding for the landscape restoration projects is the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program.
- Essential documents for reference at a meeting are found in the CFLRP Library:
- Omnibus Public Lands Management Act - in particular, the Purpose section (Congressional intent of the act)
- 2011 Proposal: WLSH Landscape. The project proposal submitted by the Payette National Forest with PFC support.
- Cumulative Accomplishments
- The current list of
voting members is available here.
- Voting members commit to the Basic Conditions of Collaboration using the electronic signature form.
- Both the list of voting members and the BCCs are essential references for the meetings, particularly when the agenda includes voting.
- The individual landscape projects within the CFLRP Landscape are in various phases/stages of development and implementation.
- Depending on the meeting agenda, the project related references will vary.
- The Coalition's documents related to each project phase are posted in this document library. The left panel of the web page includes links to the Forest Service web page for that project.
- The documents are accessed from the Navigation menu labeled Project Libraries, located at the top of each web page.
- Bring the appropriate documents to support the specific agenda for the meeting.
- Essential: PFC Strategy, Mission, Goals Statement.
Most recent copy is found here.
PFC Forum Orientation
- The website supports a
PFC discussion Forum, a tool to continue communication between meetings.
- The Forum is open to the public. To write (post new material or comment on posts) requires that you register with an email address. Reading the Forum content does not require registration.